Couch was in the Navy seals in the 1980’s. He was on a mission in 1985 to kill Al Qaeda’s Leader Osama Bin Laden. Their plan was working and he was 10 feet away from Laden, but they were caught and captured. He and six others were captured and held for ten months until they escaped, but Laden was long gone. The harsh 10 months were not good for the Seals. They were tortured and beaten. One of the men could not take it anymore and died from the lack of food and water.
When the men got out of their camps, they walked for miles. On the long 20 mile trip, two more of the men died. Now leaving only four men, they finally found a small Muslim village and called in the Navy to get them. When they got back to America, President Ronald Reagan gave them a medal, and relieved them if they so desired. All four of them took a break but none of them could stay away from being a Seal. Dick Couch Said, “That Nothing can keep you from staying away from the Seals”.
Couch went 3 more years and on 15 missions in all and killing 35 terrorists allof whom were in the top 100. Couch was awarded with ten different special badges, one being the deadliest Seal in the world. That was in the 80’s, only 4 people since then have received that award. 2 years after they received these two more of his seal team members died later of cancer. So it was him and his best friend Mark Hand, left which 20 years later his friend died of lead poisoning.
Dick couch is still well known in the military world, he goes out with recruiters and talks