Assignment 1 Q2 “drink-driving”
Student number: 12016039
Group: A7
Name: Wang Xiaoyu (Tony)
At the moment, more and more people are killed in the UK each year as a result of drink-driving. So people think the law about drink-driving in UK can’t enough to control people. According to the new about drink-driving that a princess consort who named Diana was killed in accident. This is because of her driver who is named Paul fast driving after drinking. The purpose of this essay and also the main information will show us the law about drink-driving must be changed and be made strict.
One of the main arguments against to current law about drink-driving is that the law does not have enough power to control the driver, so a large number of people were killed as a result of drink-driving include the elderly, adults, teenagers, children and different age bracket. It provides information that how worse is the drink-driving. On the basis of the new from the Traffic Department of UK which provided information that almost 3000 people were dead in drink-driving each year over the years. Then we could see the drivers who drove a car after drinking had broken at least 3000 families each year. Such families must be quite sad because lose some people who were really important in their lives and the dream of their happiness all destroyed by drink-driving. Meanwhile, there are maybe lots of people which lost their family and they don’t know where they could go. Lots of elders, children and babies will lose their offspring and parents so that they must be have no people can look after them and they must live alone and hardly live in their own lives. Maybe these people will die because there are not any other people which can look after them and support their life. So the drink-driving is not only irresponsible for drivers’ own family and other people, but also irresponsible for society. It makes people have no sense of security in society.