Why is this a problem, especially for teen drivers?
Under age drinking and driving kills over 3,000 teens a year.
Statistics from research regarding teen crash rates.
3,000 Teens a year die from alcohol related crashes each year.
How is one organization or group trying to solve this problem? Name group and what they are doing.
RADD helps raise awareness about teens drinking and driving.
How is another organization or group working to solve the problem? Name the group and what they are doing.
They have record artists, athletes, and actors all aware kids on not to drink and drive.
Web sites where this information was found. Alexis cowart 11/ 7/ 13
Part 2 - Solutions for the Issue
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Something else that should be done to help solve or curb the problem.
My own ideas for solving this problem. This may not be something that is currently being done.
I know you can't change a kids mind once they set their minds on going and drinking at a party. I just want to tell them how their are other ways to avoid driving drunk, like just stay the night at the place or take a cab.
What I can personally do to make more people aware of this issue?
I would make bill boards or write a song for a pop artist to sing about not drinking and driving. I would have campaigns and walks that raise money to help pay for concerts to raise awareness.