Alcohol is enjoyed by many throughout the world. As one of the most popular legal drugs to sell in the United States, it has produced massive revenue for party stores, restaurants, and even major retail stores. Although there are some definite benefits to distributing alcohol in the U.S., there are also many negative consequences. It has become very difficult to monitor the legal drinking age of 21, and as a result minors are gaining access to alcohol and drinking much earlier in life than they should be. Another significant problem is that not only do minors drink irresponsibly, but many adults as well. One of the biggest problems related to irresponsible drinking is driving while intoxicated (DWI).
Fatality rates related to DWI’s are astronomical. According to the data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 1990 alone, 20,083 people were killed as a result of alcohol related crashes. In 1995, fatalities were still estimated at about 17,274. In 1998, DWI related death rates still amounted to 15,936 (“Drunk Driving,” n.d.). Although these numbers did decrease slightly each year, this trend did not continue indefinitely. In 2003, numbers were back up to 17,105. There was a 2.4% reduction in fatalities by 2004, with 16,694 alcohol-related deaths. (“.08 BAC,” n.d.). A poll conducted in 1996 concluded that impaired drivers accounted for only one percent of those driving on the road during nighttime and weekends (“Drunk Driving,” n.d.). These astounding statistics should be of particular concern to our public. This affects not only those who are driving impaired, but also anyone who is on the road with them at that time, which includes not only drivers but passengers as well. This means that anyone who is transported on our roads is at risk of being injured or killed by these drunk drivers. In addition, the annual expense to the U.S. for DWI related accidents is about $51 billion (National Center, n.d.). It is clear
References: Drunk driving facts. (n.d.). Retrieved August 19, 2006 from DWI’s. (2005). Retrieved August 30, 2006, from Facts of alcohol and driving 19, 2006 from MADD Online Retrieved August 30, 2006, from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Retrieved August 19, 2006, from Voas, R., Tippetts, A., and Fell, J. (2000). The relationship of alcohol safety laws to drinking drivers in fatal crashes