My first placement was on a surgical ward. On my first day I was assisting patients with their morning activities. Mary Murphy was a 73 year old woman who had been admitted to hospital as she was complaining with severe abdominal pain. After a number of tests she was diagnosed with a
Colon carcinoma. This resulted in her having a colostomy which is an opening in the large intestine which is brought onto the surface of the abdomen. This …show more content…
Overall, I felt that the experience was a positive one , as it allowed both of us to become more familiar with each other. I can remember feeling nervous and apprehensive at my lack of experience. I was conscious of the fact that bed bathing is a personal and intrusive procedure. I was worried that Mary may have felt embarrassed or even frustrated relying on someone else to meet her hygiene needs. However as time went on I became more confident and in control of the situation. I now understand the importance of communication, as it is central to the nurse patient relationship. Communication is the medium through which interpersonal interaction takes place.
One to one interaction with the patient during the process of bed bathing and promoting hygiene is an integral part of developing the nurse-patient relationship (Major 2005). In my experience,
I believe that I communicated effectively with Mary as she felt at ease and comfortable with me.
During the bed bath I felt that I encouraged the patient to be as independent as possible. I felt by allowing her to wash her face and hands herself that she would feel part of the procedure, which I believed to be very important. Having spent time with Mary it also gave me the perfect …show more content…
I believe this would have saved time, and in turn reduce time spent away from the patient. Also I realised later when discussing the procedure with my preceptor that for future reference, it would be more beneficial for me for raise the bed. This would alleviate any back problems that I may incur due to over reaching and stretching.
Now what?
I have learned from my experience, how much a bed bath is appreciated by a patient. Whiting
(1999) suggests that the maintenance of personal cleanliness is fundamental to nursing. I also realise how it can help to contribute to a patients well-being and comfort. It also occurred to me from my experience that it is essential to maintain self respect, confidence and dignity in the patient which subsequently will help develop nurse patient relationship. Having reflected on my experience I feel it was a positive one. I feel that my interaction with Mary has made her hospital stay a more positive hopefully enjoyable one.
Driscoll J (2000) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach. Bailliere Tindall,
Major C (2005) Meeting hygiene needs. In Baillie L (Ed) Developing Practical Nursing