The theory of motivation is drive reduction, drive reduction is you are driven by biological needs, they motivate you to satisfy them. According to the theory, the reduction of drives is the primary force behind motivation. (Schultz, D.P. & Schultz, S.E. (1987). A History of Modern Psychology. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications.) Drive reduction category as primary and secondary drive. Hunger, thirsty, pain, warmth or sex are examples of primary drive reduction, whereby secondary drive are learned by condition such as wealthy.
When the brain recognizes that we are lacking in some biological need, the primary drives will begin in the body. The brain recognizes need based on the feedback that receives from the systems and organs of the body. One type of the feedback system is called negative feedback loop. It is information system in the body that monitor the level of a bodily process and adjust it up and down …show more content…
It is presumed to develop as we begin to associate things like achievement with satisfaction of primary drives. For example, receiving a chocolate bar for doing well in school which may satisfies hunger. As a result, we may also become more motivated to achieve academically. However, some people may be more or less motivated to achieve than others. This is because the need of fulfil certain secondary drives differs from person to person, like any other personality characteristic (Dole and Taggart, 2012).
Another example which related to our real life is working. Many of us do not like to work, but most people will still go for work although working life is not fun and boring. Because money can buy anything we like. If we don’t want to work, we do not have money to fix buy foods and water. Meaning we are driven to accomplish secondary drives. Our brain has been conditioned so thought pathways make these secondary drives nearly as powerful as your primary