Your first lab link can be found at Temper Tantrums. A written transcript is also available for this lab.
1. How can parents avoid temper tantrums?
Parents can avoid this situation is by having a plan before you get into this situation
2. What are the A, B, Cs?
A is for attribute, B is for behavior, and C is for consequence.
3. Do you think using consequences and following the ABC process will help shape a child’s behavior? Why or why not?
Yes because if you follow the ABC process will help the parent and the child by not putting a lot of stress on the parent and also giving the child structure.
Your second lab link can be found at Developing Language Skills in Babies. A written transcript is also available for this lab.
1. What are some of the reasons why people may not talk to babies as much today as they used to?
2. many children arriving at school with poor communication skills and that effects their ability to learn but also their ability to make friends and be sociable and emotionally well fed beings yeah.
3. Why do you think developing language skills is important for a child?
Developing language skill is important for a child because every child needs to grow up and have good communication skills sot they will be able to have good conversation in school. And to be able to comphred what they are reading
4. What are some of the ways that parents can encourage the development of language skills?
Parents can encourage development language skills by going on different websites on helping kids develop goo language skills
Your third lab link can be found at The Importance of Bedtime Reading. A written transcript is also available for this lab.
1. How many parents never read to their children at bedtime according to the study? What might prevent parents from reading to children?
10% never read to their children at bedtime. Sometimes hard to find the time and to make the time to sit down at the end of the