The target customers for the 100 GB Dropbox Student Offering accounts are college students, both undergraduate and graduate students alike. These students should have a need for a larger amount of storage than the 2 GB offered as a free service. In addition to requiring additional storage these students should have the need to access documents from multiple devices.
Sample Data
To generate sample data I used a survey with the question “How much would you be willing to pay annually for 100 GB of storage on Dropbox?” The survey received 46 responses from students who are all currently enrolled in a graduate level educational program.
Sampling Bias
This survey may be subject to sampling bias in a few areas. First, all respondents to the survey are students in a graduate level program. As a result of this bias it may be inaccurate to assume we have a clear understanding of the willingness to pay for the segment of undergraduate level students.
Additionally, all students surveyed are students at the same university. There is a possibility that storage needs and willingness to pay may vary by the university attended by students.
Willingness to Pay Data
Price Quantity
Price Quantity $100 1
$15 16 $60 3
$14 17 $55 4
$12 18 $50 5