That song changed my life. Somehow the words that Pat Monahan sang have stuck with me for five years; I never get sick of that song. It’s even the most played song on my iPod! I had that song on replay for the longest time. But I did eventually grow distant from the song for a couple years, it would come up on shuffle every once in awhile, but I never again listened to it so repetitively as I once did. …show more content…
Maybe you're thinking, “How can one song mean so much to someone?” And to be completely honest, I’m not quite sure. But what I am sure of is that this song was always here for me to listen to; happy, sad, or angry. Everytime I listen to it it takes me back to the time I was sitting front row in the Target Center, with the hot lights beating down on me, watching a team dance to a song that means the world to me now. I have been through many hardships since then and every time I listen to that song it reminds me that no matter what you go through, there will always be the moments of first dances, falling in love, best friends, five-hour phone conversations, the best soy latte that you have ever had, and deep fried chicken. Yes there will be tough times, but the good times are always soon to follow. That is what this song has taught