Money has never been a real issue, as I come from a pretty good home. My parents made sure I had everything I needed, but they were also smart about not always giving me the things I wanted. They were teaching me and my siblings a good life lesson. By making me buy the things I wanted, I had to think more about how much I really wanted those things or if there was something else I’d rather spend my money on. For example, when I was in elementary school I wanted an American …show more content…
My parents would say this was the most adverse financial situation my family faced. Though it didn’t hurt us too bad because my dad was able to take some early retirement in a matter of months.
An adversity I faced and still face, that isn’t necessarily financial, is dealing with drop foot. I realized there was something wrong with my foot in middle school, but I didn’t have it fully diagnosed until high school after a series of tests were performed. I have drop foot in my left foot, meaning the peroneal nerve is damaged due to an autoimmune disease causing my foot to drop. The peroneal nerve is the main nerve that branches down the leg into the foot and controls most movement of the foot. The autoimmune disease caused antibodies to attack my nerve’s tissues instead of the viruses or illnesses in me. The nerve will heal, but it will take quite a while. During my junior year I attended physical therapy sessions to exercise my foot as the nerve worked on healing. Luckily I have learned to compensate for the lack of movement in my left foot.
I feel everyone faces some form of adversity at some point in their lives, but even though these adversities aren’t fun we get through them most of the time. I hope other people can succeed in the face of adversity and can grow in and from their