Drug addiction has markedly increased during past three decades all over the world, including India, and has assumed epidemic proportions, according to WHO. The highest incidence of the epidemic is found in slum areas. An idea of its prevalence can be had from the fact that at an annual global turnover of more than 800 billion dollars, the narcotics industry is second only to defence industry. According to a recent estimate, it may well become the largest organised industry in the world if the present rate of growth continues. Over 50 million people in the world are addicted to hard drugs and narcotics. The number in India is 3-5 million, 2 lakh of which are in Delhi alone. In India, there are one million heroin addicts, 2 million opium addicts and several million cannabis addicts. It may be mentioned that the ratio of drug abusers to alcoholics having serious alcohol abuse problem is 1: 30.
A Drug is any substance (other than food) that produces changes in physical or mental functioning of an individual, and the Drug Use is taking a drug for medical purpose like treating an illness, protecting the body against the disease or to relieve pain or tension. On the other hand, Drug Abuse is taking a drug for other than medical reasons in amount, strength, frequency