Almost all jobs and companies require a drug test before hiring you as an employee. So there is no reason a person requesting public assistance should not be required to pass a drug test as well. I don't mean random drug testing either. Make it a requirement to receive their benefits. Our country cannot continue to waste money and expect taxpayers to support them. Enough is enough. If we sit back and allow the public health system to run this way, we run the risk of not being able to help anyone in the future. Unfortunately there are people that do not want to help themselves or cannot help themselves. After all, this is an addiction and can be very hard to kick. Testing …show more content…
According to the United States Department of Public Health, the issue of public assistance is growing by an average of 2.3% a year. Because of this growing issue more states are pushing for testing participants currently using public assistance. Twenty-seven U.S. states, as red as Arizona and Georgia and as blue as New York and California, may soon be adding another requirement for those applying for aid such as unemployment or welfare: Being clean. More than half the states in this country are considering legislation which would require recipients of public assistance to pass a drug test before getting their handout from the government (Cafferty, 2011). Seems to me that more states are seriously looking into this problem and it is a very widespread issue. If left unresolved these issues could really cripple our already fledging economic state. I really see no other answer for this situation but to react and resolve it as quickly as …show more content…
Scott not being deterred hired an organization to do a study on the drug testing effect on the state of Florida. A report by the Foundation for Government Accountability, a conservative think tank in Florida, found Scott's drug testing plan could save the state $9 million next year. The report noted more than 500 applications were denied in August because the applicant did not complete a drug test. Applicants are required to pay for their own tests, which cost roughly $30. If they pass, they are reimbursed (Arthur Haney, 2012,