Priscilla Reyes
English Composition II
Kari Lomanno
December 16, 2012
The media represents Mexico drug scene as a replica of the Colombian Model. Mexico did not begin to traffic drugs until sixty years ago before the Colombians decided to get into the trade. There are two different political systems in both countries; the history and the structural relationship of the drug traffickers to the political powers in Mexico. Where did drug trafficking begin and exactly where did it come from. Nowadays, all I hear in the news is that the drugs were traffic through the border of Mexico. Everything is always coming from Mexico, not Colombia or Cuba. How do we stop drug traffickers from crossing drugs across the border. The lack of research that needs to be done to stop the drug traffickers is another reason why the Colombians have picked up on what the Mexican drug traffickers have been doing for the past six decades. The concerns in the drug trafficking is the historical sociology of drug trafficking, the drug use, and the relationship between drug traffickers and the political powers in Mexico. The objective of this paper is to show the comprehensive vision of drug related problems in Mexico since the end of the last century. The nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century drugs such as marijuana, opiates and cocaine were commonly used in Mexico, special opiates such as morphine and heroin were used as basic medical reasons. Pharmaceuticals such as cocaine, coca wine, and marijuana cigarettes were only prescribed by doctors and can easily be obtained by pharmacies. The Mexican authorizes were concerned about the quality of these products and tried to protect the consumers. In the nineteenth century addicts were considered as ill people and not as criminals now in the twenty first century. There were attempts to control the poppy, marijuana and laudanum since the 1870s, but there was no