Drugs, Addiction, Their Influences and
Lasting Effects
Josué Guevara
South Piedmont Community College
This paper scratches the surface of the now well-known topic of psychoactive drugs. Psychoactive drugs are defined as a chemical that will change the way the brain receives information. This change in the brain’s functions can be permanent or temporary. The paper examines 3 of several topics of psychoactive drugs. These include the effects of different drugs on the mind, what causes and rate of addiction, and the ultimate lasting effects on the people who use them. The effects of drugs on the mind vary greatly as there are different categories of drugs which will be discussed in this essay. The rate of addiction will also vary with the drug used since there are different effects on the mind for every drug. The information provided in this essay comes from knowledge learned in Dr. Oni Psychology 150 class and other references. Keywords: psychoactive drugs, addiction, influence, effects
Drugs, Addiction, Their Influences and
Lasting Effects It is widely known that drugs can cause the deterioration of the human body and addiction. Now this does not mean that all drugs are bad. There countless drugs that doctors use to help patients fight off diseases from a simple headache to cancer. The problem occurs when people choose to abuse certain drugs. Most of the widely known abused drugs are not good for the human body to start out. The effects the abuse of these particular drugs has on the brain should be known. There are three major categories of drugs that will be explained as well as the way they affect the user
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