Before one recess, the Judge announces that Reverend Brown had asked him to announce that there will be a prayer meeting in the courthouse lawn, to pray for justice and guidance (48). Drummond see’s this as unfair since the court is promoting Christianity. Drummond, annoyed, says “Your Honor. I object to this commercial announcement” (48), because the Judge seems to be favoring Creationism. If the Judge makes an announcement for Reverend Brown, he should also make one for Cates and/or Drummond. He see’s this as an opportunity to mention the huge “Read Your Bible!” banner outside of the courthouse. Drummond demands a banner just as big, right beside the bible banner, to promote Evolutionism/Darwinism. The trail is not fair since the Judge, Jury, Courthouse, and the whole town favors Creationism and Christianity. Drummond just wants a fair trial. …show more content…
“I object to all this damned ‘Colonel’ talk. I am not familiar with Mr. Brady’s military record.” (42) He knows that Brady was not in the Military, and see’s it as unfair for him to be referred to as a Colonel in the trial. He just wants as fair of a trial as he can get, and in the town of Hillsboro it’s difficult enough without Brady having a seemingly higher ranking than him. “I hereby appoint you, Mr. Drummond, a temporary Honorary Colonel in the State Militia” (43) made Drummond and Brady equals in the courtroom, making the trail slightly more fair, which is what Drummond