However, among the various interventions that have been recommended, CPT has surfaced as a doable preference within treatment settings (Resick, Monson, & Chard, 2007; Zappert & Westrup, 2008). Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a therapeutic intervention designed to support people in dealing with traumatic life events and the on-going effect these events might have on their lives (Briere & Scott, 2013). The goal of CPT is to support people in coping with distressing thoughts more efficiently by increasing a deeper understanding of how traumatic experiences can impact the way a person may think about themselves and the world they live in (Resick et al, 2007). Although, CPT was first developed for treating posttraumatic stress in sexual assault survivors, it has demonstrated to be helpful method for people also seeking support for other issues, such as military related trauma issues, amid others (Resick et al,
However, among the various interventions that have been recommended, CPT has surfaced as a doable preference within treatment settings (Resick, Monson, & Chard, 2007; Zappert & Westrup, 2008). Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a therapeutic intervention designed to support people in dealing with traumatic life events and the on-going effect these events might have on their lives (Briere & Scott, 2013). The goal of CPT is to support people in coping with distressing thoughts more efficiently by increasing a deeper understanding of how traumatic experiences can impact the way a person may think about themselves and the world they live in (Resick et al, 2007). Although, CPT was first developed for treating posttraumatic stress in sexual assault survivors, it has demonstrated to be helpful method for people also seeking support for other issues, such as military related trauma issues, amid others (Resick et al,