Durango Case Study
On 10-3-17, at approximately 1530, hours on Main Street of the Durango Jail located at 3225 W. Gibson Ln, phoenix AZ 85009, Officer Ontiveros B3552 ordered Inmate Po to return to Durango 6. Officer Barnes B0958 then gave Inmate Po three additional directives to return to his housing unit, all to which Inmate Po refused to obey by continuing to walk away from Officer Barnes.
Officer Barnes tried to place Inmate Po in an O’Donnell Continuous Control System (O.C.C.S.) escort hold, Inmate Po pulled away from Officer Barnes and Officer Ontiveros and then turned and tried to strike officer Barnes with a closed fist.
I, Officer Lerma B2661, made an officer assistance radio call to Security Control while trying to place Inmate Po to the ground with