CCIB Intake received SOC 341 from LTC Ombudsman Debra Hanschar- Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa 4415 Cowell Rd. Ste. 100, Concord 94518-1922 (925) 384-1122 regarding resident Vonalee Taegson age 80 DOB: 7/10/36. On 11/14/16 at 6:55PM reporting party Saundra Loftis stated Vonalee was volunteering at the front desk sorting mail. Resident Frances Nowve age 72 DOB: 5/19/43 believed since Vonalee was in the reception area she also had a right to be in the area. Frances began to push at the gate. Vonalee pushed the gate close. Fran then hit Vonalee hand on the gate which resulted in Vonalee standing up. Consequently Frances pushed Vonalee back into the…
Around 12:15am Resident Assistant Mignona Hall (RA Mignona) walked into 20 Warren to finish her rounds. While walking into 20 Warren, RA Mignona saw two students, Kara Stonecypher (Kara) and her friend (name unknown) sitting in a corner in the entrance of 20 Warren. When Kara and her friend saw RA Mignona they got up and headed towards the stairs. Kara appeared to be struggling to walk and looked as if she was feeling ill. While conducting rounds in 20 Warren, RA Mignona could hear a resident in room 236 throwing up and crying. After confirming in eRez that the student in room 236 in 20 Warren was Kara Stonecypher, RA Mignona contacted Public Safety at 12:17am. Public Safety Officer (PSO) Perales was in 10 Warren and came over to help, and…
CCIB received an SOC 341 for Westley Sardin (DOB 12/27/1943). The alleged perpetrator is Darrell Cummings, staff at the facility. The report states that police responded to a call involving a battery incident between Westley (noted as PWN in the report) and the owner/caregiver Darrell. The RP (Detective Flores) stated that the grandson of the abuser apparently taped on his IPHONE the battery incident where the abuser repeatedly hit the PWN in the back of the head. The RP stated however, the witness (the grandson) was unavailable and did not answer the phone when the reporter tried to contact him. The RP also stated that the PWN would be unable to speak for himself due to the nature of his diminished mental capacity. The RP also stated that…
Part one is titled "Taking Up the Challenge." This first section of the book is expressing the news about injustice and how it exists today. The question that it asks is, "How will I respond?" This question will be answered in this section of the paper. Chapter one talks about the wars in Rwanda. Gary talks about the first time he went to Rwanda. He was one of the people that went down to this African country to help investigate the Rwandan genocides that was going on. The sites that were seen were frightening. The bodies were dumped in lakes along the borders of Rwanda and Zaire. Killings were taken place not only in homes and streets, but in mass at stadiums. He was in charge of identifying all the people that they found in these mass graves. Haugen then makes note of the twin girls that were dead. They were human; it could have been his kids. This, to me, was the turning point of it all. Realizing that these twin girls could have been his, he needed to make a stop of this injustice to these innocent Rwandans. Gary uses a passage from the Bible, Psalm 10:8-15, to show that God does care about these people and he calls this injustice sin. God is the one with the final plan of action and He will judge those who create the injustice, we are there to carry out His will, as Gary says; "We are the plan." Chapter two is simply titled Preparing the Mind and Spirit Through Scripture. Gary speaks of two ways we can grow into mature way of thinking about injustice. Those two points are: we can develop compassions for these people by seeing them by means of missionaries or other Christian workers and by preparing ourselves to help these people by viewing them through God's eyes, meaning His Word. The first step Gary gives us is a vocabulary term. That term is compassion permanence, which means a courageous and generous capacity to remember the needs of an unjust world even when the infant's out of our immediate sight. Simply…
According to Use of Force Allegation Reports dated 04/30/17 and submitted by Officer Vanterpool. C.O. Vanterpool responded to an alarm in 19 building as part of the probe team with Captain Payne # 140. Upon arrival to the effected area they discover multiple inmate fighting. All inmates involved were escorted to the main intake and place in holding pen, awaiting decontamination and medical attention. Officer Vanterpool stated, he was unaware with any other incident involving the inmates pertaining to any other incident.…
I responded to 345 County Road 3309 in reference to a suspicious circumstance call. Upon arrival, I made contact with Anita Stamey. Stamey advised that her daughter(Brenda Black) is jealous because Stamey been letting her other daughter and son-in-law come over to eat dinner everynight. Stamey stated that Black has called multiple times stated "I'm going to kill you and the entire family." Black also called approxmiatly 6 times while I was on scene. Stamey requested an extra watch on her reisdence for a week. Lt. Raiti was notifed and approved the extra watch.…
CCIB Intake received referral 1665-2784-6232-4050188 dated 10/12/16 from reporting party regarding resident Cera J. White age 17 DOB: 1/17/99 who went AWOL on 10/7/16 with her son Jake M. White age 1 DOB: 5/1/15. Another female resident AWOL’d from the group home and was observed being picked up by the same male and car who picked up Cera. It was reported Cera consistently AWOL’s from the facility and is a flight risk. The facility received information regarding Cera and her friend’s social media accounts. Both residents have been posting about “the life” (slang for prostituting) on their social media. There were not advertising their services. Cera and Jake returned to the facility on Monday, October 10 at approximately 10:30PM. Jake was returned with no report of neglect. According to the RP law enforcement is involved in the situation.…
On 2/21/17, anonymous reporting party (RP) reported that resident Roma McAffe (DOB and age unknown) did not have her Percocent for 3 days. RP did not have the exact date of the incident. RP stated that the med techs are not allowed to write in the MAR that a resident's medication is not available. The med techs are to write that the resident refused the medication. Resident in room 127 was out of a medication, Senna. It was documented that the resident refused it because he did not have constipation. RP stated that "The leaders of the pack, Greg and Jerry" are instructing them to write refused because the facility was cited and they do not want to be cited again. RP expresses that they cannot document "falsehood" and at the same time, they…
On Saturday July 4,2015 approximately 7:46 Pm DJS Youth Shauntia Marie Lynn Daniels became upset as evidenced by DJS Youth Shauntia Marie Lynn Daniels shouting threats and obscenities towards the non-DJS youth. DJS Youth Shauntia Marie Lynn Daniels JS Youth) had her fist clinched and made several attempts to aggressively push pass Roderick Waters ( Supervisor of Welbers Unit ) to attack her Non DJS peer. Roderick Waters ( Supervisor of Welbers Unit ) intervened with the utilization of proximities and verbal prompts however, the aforesaid attempts failed and her aggression escalated. DJS Youth Shauntia Marie Lynn Daniels and her non DJS peer postured towards each other and began to immediately throw punches, as well as pull each other’s…
The Fernandina Beach policed worked on the case, but could not make connection with Hall. In 2012, Fernandina Beach Chief Police, James Hurley, invited investigator Jim Coe, who had 30-years of law experience to mentor the case. Coe had previously worked on the case in 2006, but was promoted and move from the case. After being called back to mentor the case, Coe was able to take a new look at the original police reports and notes. Doing this Coe found some…
On 10/25/2015 at approximately 1609 hours at the address listed above. I was assigned as the Tower 34 floor officer. As I was conducting a security walk in Tower 34 A-Pod, cell 8 Inmate Quintero, Cesar T221902 was standing at the back wall facing the wall with his cellmate Inmate Gonzalez, Yadhir T217188. I asked Inmate Quintero and Inmate Gonzalez what they were doing; Inmate Quintero stated “Nothing.” Inmate Quintero and Inmate Gonzalez then walked out of the cell. At that time I searched cell 8 and discovered a sharpened toothbrush in a drink bottle on the cell desk.…
All those fucking VCs, they should all get killed. Nam should be entirely destroyed! TNT should be placed all over Vietnam so this bitch would disappear from the map. That’s all it deserves after taking away my freaking best friend. I did see plenty of people die in Vietnam, but this was fucking unbelievable, partly because he was my fucking best friend and partly because of the way it happened. Just like we used to, Curt and I went to play catch with a smoke grenade, which was certainly the greatest game ever thought, under some huge trees; the biggest I’ve ever seen of my life. We were having a great time. In fact, everyone always had a great time with Curt; he was such a nice guy, a respectable guy. However, this bitch…
Riverside police detective Kevin Townsend decided to conduct a probation search on George Roussell’s home. The detective was having a very time trying to figure out where the Roussell lived. The probation agency said that Roussell lived in Moreno Valley, but the court system said that he lived in Corona. Roussells DMV address was on a Gould street in Riverside, but all his recent information like the local utilities and phone company showed that he was living at 8123 Magnolia Avn. Apt. 85 in Riverside. Detective Townsend made the decision that the Magnolia apartments had to be his current residents because of the utility bills. He also believed that was his home because most probationers and parolees give false addresses so that they can avoid warren less arrest. Most probationers and parolees don’t know that the police have access to there utility bills. Police use there utility bills so that they can track the criminals down and find out where they live.…
at Las Margaritas restaurant located at 1525 A ST NE in the City of Auburn, King…
Investigation into the Morey Unit’s hostage incident the security measures in relation to the inmates, the yard, kitchen, and tower found issues of policies and procedures not followed through during the departure from their cell and to the kitchen area. The Inmate security discoveries during the investigation include the searching of inmates leaving the cell but failed to conduct a search when arriving at the kitchen. By not conducting a search on the person could have been the cause of inmates to gain access of weapons from the yard. The officers conducted the searches in a quick manner than taking their time to search the inmates the right way. The pat downs should be in detail manner. Also the searches of the same sex were not mandated and rarely conducted.…