100). The problem with this phase is that no human interaction between the offenders and supervision officers prior to or during the questionnaire assessment. Another critical CMC fail to address is the consideration of the “diverse geographical populations by distinguished by race, ethnicity, or gender” (Bayens, pg 100). These issues are address by the second phase of dynamic risk assessment. The second phase occurred in the late 1970s and it is refer to as the Level of Service Inventory- Revised (LSI-R). LSI-R consists of 10 theoretically based areas and further divided into 54 subscales to determine future criminal behavior. They are criminal history (10 items, education and employment (10 items), finances (2 items, family and marital relationships (4 items), housing and accommodations (3 items), leisure and recreation (2 items), friends and acquaintances (5 items), alcohol and drug use (9 items), emotional and personal (5 items), attitudes and orientations (4 items) (Bayens, pg. 100-101). LSI-R criteria to for assessment are more details than CMC. In addition, part of the assessment includes an interview with the
100). The problem with this phase is that no human interaction between the offenders and supervision officers prior to or during the questionnaire assessment. Another critical CMC fail to address is the consideration of the “diverse geographical populations by distinguished by race, ethnicity, or gender” (Bayens, pg 100). These issues are address by the second phase of dynamic risk assessment. The second phase occurred in the late 1970s and it is refer to as the Level of Service Inventory- Revised (LSI-R). LSI-R consists of 10 theoretically based areas and further divided into 54 subscales to determine future criminal behavior. They are criminal history (10 items, education and employment (10 items), finances (2 items, family and marital relationships (4 items), housing and accommodations (3 items), leisure and recreation (2 items), friends and acquaintances (5 items), alcohol and drug use (9 items), emotional and personal (5 items), attitudes and orientations (4 items) (Bayens, pg. 100-101). LSI-R criteria to for assessment are more details than CMC. In addition, part of the assessment includes an interview with the