|Etiology |Dysarthric errors result from a disruption |Apraxia results from an impaired ability to|
| |of muscular control due to lesions of |generate the motor programs for speech |
| |either the central or peripheral nervous |movements rather than from the disordered |
| |systems. In this way, the transmission of |transmission of controlling messages to the|
| |messages controlling the motor movements |speech musculature. Apraxia is a |
| |for speech is interrupted. Because it |planning/programming problem, not a |
| |involves problems with the transfer of |movement problem like dysarthria. |
| |information from the nervous system to the |Apraxia occurs following damage to Broca's |
| |muscles, dysarthria is classified as a |Area, or Brodmann's area 44, which is |
| |neuromotor disorder. |located on the third gyrus of the left |
| |Central Nervous System Lesions |frontal lobe. Thus, apraxia is always the |
| |Damage to the pyramidal tract causes |result of a central nervous system lesion. |
| |spastic dysarthria. Lesions of the |It is a cortical problem, not a motor |
| |substantia nigra cause hypokinetic |impulse transmission problem like |
| |dysarthria. Disruption of feedback