words are for them but it is also important to make them work while supporting them. By learning new strategies to work with these students, I will be able to better help these students in the regular classroom.
I have learned about different strategies such as using different fonts and bigger letters. I have learned about assistive technology such as having the computer read information to the student and different programs that help students in school. I have learned about transition plans for helping students with dyslexia transition between high school, college, and then work. What I like about this assignment is that I have become very familiar with dyslexia and what exactly it is. I like that I have learned different strategies and assistive technology items that will assist students in my school dyslexia. I read very good material and some material that was not as good or informative. I have seen several videos and spent several hours on this assignment, learning and taking in all the information I could. One thing I really didn’t like about this assignment is that is was long and tedious. It was very difficult to find different media since they can’t all be the same kinds. One day I found a video about assistive technology for dyslexic students and when I had time to watch it, it didn’t work and then I couldn’t find it anymore. It was very
frustrating. I have enjoyed this class although there is not a lot of communication between anyone all of my emails have been answered in a way that have been helpful. I have earned some professional development credit and learned something new I didn’t know much about before. I have also learned that using my time wisely is very important with this type of assignment. Working on this project almost daily has helped not be rushed in this assignment. While I have been stressing about this assignment, I feel like I have done my best on this paper and hope it is sufficient for the task.