The reading recovery (RR) program, first designed by Clay in the 1970s, is defined as "a highly effective short term intervention of one-on-one tutoring for low achieving first graders" (RRCNA, Basic Facts). It involves up to twenty weeks of intensive half-hour training periods, with a goal of enhanced capability of students to learn at the level of their classmates (RRCNA, Basic Facts). Much research has been conducted to test the program 's effectiveness on students who are described as poor or at-risk readers, however, research is somewhat limited about the effectiveness of this program for learning disabled (LD) and reading disabled (RD) students. This paper will look at four studies, which describe the effectiveness of the RR program with poor readers, at risk readers, LD and RD students as participants.
The reading recovery program focuses on individual attention, various assessment techniques, particular lesson content,
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