* Inclusion means involving all learners and treating them equally and fairly, without directly or indirectly excluding anybody * Equality is the enjoyment of equal rights by all, each individual being regarded as of the same importance and receiving the same treatment. * Diversity is valuing the individual differences in people, whether that relates to gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other characteristics that they may have.
Inclusive learning, equality and diversity can be achieved in a number of ways, such as: * Sessions to include the use of different learning styles, to keep all students motivated and engaged. * Providing handouts that are of a suitable font size and format, e.g. Comic Sans, to enable learners to read to the best of their ability. * Providing handouts on coloured paper to aid dyslexic learners. * Ensuring venue of sessions has been assessed for suitability for wheelchair users. * Sessions have to take into account varying age groups, for example the physical aspects of activities must be considered for older learners. * Ensuring that particular religious needs are met positively, for example, setting aside prayer time. * Provide learning support for learners which have been identified as needing extra help.
Examples of referral include: * Citizens Advice Bureau * Financial assistance with child care facilities * Arranging for language support for students whose first language is other than English. * Referral to counsellors.