For this assignment I am required: 1. Write a critical reflection on the extent to which learning can contribute to the personal development, economic growth and community regeneration of your learners.
Learning is the key to success - for each of us as individuals, as well as for the nation as a whole. Investment in human capital will be the foundation of success in the knowledge-based global economy of the twenty-first century. This is why the Government has put learning at the heart of its ambition. (1)
The UK government published a Green paper “The Leaning Age” which is claimed to contain essential methods to transform learning. (3) The Learning Age (Cm 3790) (The Stationery Office, 1998) claims that if human learn throughout their life it can build their assets by encouraging creativity, …show more content…
skills and imagination. Dedication and devotion in learning is necessary for our future success. (3). The government can not force anyone to learn but encourage them. Learning helps people to get the skills and qualifications required for employment. It can increase our earnings. It can help people to participate in their community. It can open many doors and accomplish our potential. For the nation, learning will be the key to a strong economy and an inclusive society. It will offer a way out of dependency and low expectation towards self-reliance and self-confidence. (3)
One in five adults have poor literacy and numeracy skills in the UK.(3) Therefore Functional skills which are literacy, numeracy and ICT are more and more introduced. Functional skills help people to improve their knowledge and skills in order to know when and how to use the skills and knowledge in real life contexts. (4) Gravell stated “Functional skills provide students with the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and at work.” Gravells, Third Edition, pg 70)
All teachers should be embedding Functional skill in their delivery. Therefore we teachers have to regularly do the literacy and numeracy exam in order to teach correctly and successfully.
As a teacher I am improving my knowledge and skills through the DTLLS course. I am learning through my teaching practices. In completion of the DTLLS course I will become a fully qualified, professional teacher. It will me give me more opportunity to get a paid job and teaching job anywhere within the life long learning sector. 2. Write an analysis of how relevant government policies and initiatives impact on own role and teaching and learning within the lifelong learning sector.
In 1996 Professor John Tomlinson was asked to research and report on educational provision for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities.(Scales, 2008 pg 274) However, his finished document had suggestions for all learners and mainly focusing on the development of inclusive education.
The Tomlinson report (1996) encouraged a more student-centred approach which pays attention to all learner’s individual needs. So the educational providers duty is to understand their learners and think of ways to meet their needs which makes it the starting point for developing a responsive, ‘tailor made’ curriculum. Instead of the learner having to fit with existing provision, Tomlinson makes the case fitting the provision around the needs of the learner. (5) Tomlinson claimed that “By inclusive learning therefore we mean the greatest degree of match or fit between the individual learners’ requirement and the provision that is made for them.”(Tomlinson 1996:10) In 2003 Tomlinson reviews and made it clear that it applies right across the lifelong learning sector in worked based learning, adult and community learning, colleges and six forms. He reminds us that inclusive learning also applies to all learners, teachers and providers not only those with learning difficulties and disabilities. (scales, 2008,pg ,275)
Kennedy Report (1997) also stressed the importance of making learning accessible to all learners, but focused on people who maybe disadvantaged because of their social, economic or educational background. (5) The Kennedy Report, which stated the ‘irresistible case’ for widening participation in education. (Scales, 2008, pg 276) The report highlighted some of the barriers that can prevent or discourage adults from continuing with their education. They are lack of information, childcare support or basic skills, and difficulties meeting the costs of study. (5) He also stated that many people when they finish school they think education is over and they never go back to it. He said that all these people need to be given opportunities to go back to education and succeed in learning. Kennedy (1997:15) stated that “We must widen participation not simply increase it. Widening participation means increasing access to learning and providing opportunities for success and progression to a much wider cross- section of the population than now. All those who are not fulfilling their potential or who have underachieved in the past must be drawn in to successful learning. Widening participation in post -16 learning will create a self –perpetuating learning society.” (Scales, 2008, pg 276)
In 1998, the Moser Report pointed out that there are poor basic skills in society; about one in five were functionally illiterate. In 2006 Leitch Review stated that one –third of adults do not have basic qualifications after they have left school. Therefore, I should embed functional skills in my subjects I teach which are ESOL and I.T as it will help them to develop their knowledge and skills to function confidently in life and at work. The Basic Skills Agency (2001) writes: The ability to read, write and speak English and to use mathematics at a level necessary to function and progress at work and in society in general. (Wilson, 2009, pg 196)
In May 2003 the Learning and skills councils launched its Successful participation: Adult Participation strategy. LSC (2003, para. 49) stated that “The important implication for our practice as teachers is that the strategy brings together two key ideas. It stated that: We cannot separate widening participation from inclusive learning. Widening Participation is about seeking to reach under-represented groups and retaining these groups in learning programmes needed for individuals and groups to succeed in learning.”(Scales, 2008, pg 276-277)
As teachers we should encourage those learners to return to education and keep hold of these learners by keeping them interested and motivated them at all time. We should not put them off with too much teaching and less learning. Prepare, deliver and assess their learning effectively.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 require employers and Education providers not to discriminate against disabled people and people with special needs. Therefore as a teacher I must change the format and font size of the information I provide for learners with visual impairments and dyslexia, also speak louder for people with hearing difficulty. I must give enough room for any wheelchair learners to move around the classroom. I must encourage equality of opportunity to all my learners including people with special needs and disabilities. I must encourage disabled people to participate so they feel comfortable in the public life.
The Equality Act requires employer and teachers to treat every one equally regardless of gender, disability, age, religion and ethnic origin. As a teacher I must treat all learners equally, include everyone. Wilson stated that “When advertising and delivering learning, a teacher should not stereotype or in anyway disadvantage groups of learners. The environment and all support structures should enable access and include facilities to meet all learners’ needs.” (Wilson, 2009, pg 21). 3. Provide extracts from my ongoing reflective learning journal which will analyse and evaluate:
a. My understanding of the principles and processes of evaluation including its role in quality assurance. b. Their own application of evaluation processes, working with others and their use of data and other feedback for evaluation.
Evaluation is measuring the effectiveness. Evaluation is like writing a review. It could be the review about my session I did. It is to write the strengths and weaknesses and what to improve on. This will help us learn from our mistakes, our weaknesses in order to improve practice to be a better teacher. Evaluation is continuous throughout the teaching career. Petty states that “The aim of evaluation is to make you into a ‘reflective practitioner’ – that is, someone who reflects on his or her teaching with the constant aim of improving it.” (Petty, 2009, pg, 527)
Evaluation can be done by a teacher, peer, colleague, external and internal verifier etc. Their feedback is very useful as it supports own evaluation. It helps the teacher to identify errors easily and enhance own teaching. They provide quality assurance to give confidence. Evaluation can be done by a checklist or by writing freely.
Assessment is measuring the achievement. It is about paying attention to the learner’s performance. There are different types of assessment; they are initial, diagnostic, formative and summative. Assessment outcomes can be used to evaluate own teaching to improve learners learning. For example learners can be asked questions to assess knowledge and observe learners in a group activity to assess skills. From this I can evaluate learner’s outcome. Think about why they could not answer most questions and why they could not complete the activity successfully. I can then learn from the weaknesses of the lesson and improve my practice and learners learning.
No matter how much we improve, the delivery is never perfect. We will always find errors if we observe our lesson carefully and evaluate effectively it will only make us a better and more successful teacher. Being observed by mentors, peers, external and internal verifier is beneficial as Wallace stated that “having observer’s view of professional practice can be very helpful indeed. (Wallace, Third Edition, pg 121) because we could be too busy teaching away when we may not notice a learner looking confused or my voice is not loud enough for the learners at the back or a learner is texting on the mobile through out the lesson. Wallace stated that “observation feedback can provide valuable pointers for our ongoing professional action plan. (Wallace,Third Edition, pg 121)
Quality assurance ensures that goods and services ( i.e. the learning experience) are fit for purpose, value for money, performed to a high standards and meet legal requirements. QA also provides a mechanism to intercept and identify error which can then be corrected.(Wilson, 2009, pg 582)
My teachers and peers gave me quality assurance when they observed me by telling me what I have done well in. This gave me confidence because it gave me quality assurance knowing another teacher agree and approve the way I am teaching, however what ever they tell me to improve on I take it into account knowing that it will be better next time. This also gives me quality assurance.
I give my learners homework regularly from this I reflect on my practice to see how much they have learnt and how well I have taught them. This easily helps me to evaluate as I can see what they are progressing in and what they need more help with.
I write a self – evaluation of each session. To make use of the self- evaluation I observe and monitor my lessons carefully. I often get feedback from learners. To find out if my learners were happy and if the delivery was a success. I continuously check if learning has taken place by asking questions. At the beginning of lesson I ask questions from previous lesson. Sometimes I test their knowledge by asking them questions from any previous lessons. This way it helps me to evaluate how well my teaching is going and what I need to work on more.
When I am teaching I.T my manager usually asks me how the session went. So I have to give feedback, which is helpful because sometimes I have technical problems with the computers and when I tell her she helps me and tells me what to do if that problem occurs again so I am giving feedback and in return I am improving my practice as well as the technical side of it. 4.
Have embedded equality of opportunity and respect for diversity within your teaching and learning practice.
Equality and diversity is vital to our professional values and we must highlight them in our planning and teaching. I have embedded equality and diversity by treating all learners equally and fairly. I ensure all learners are participating. I do that by preparing group activities; ensure that all learners are involved. I support every learner that needs my support. I try my best to give all learners equal attention. I plan and prepare my lesson ensuring that I meet the need of all learners and I differentiate my resources to meet all learner’s level of ability.
I prepare hand outs that are easy to read by all learners. I do not have too much writing on one page other wise learners can get confused and get put off. I ensure that my handouts do not contain any text that could offend any of my learners in any way. I ensure my writing size is big enough on the board so all my learners can read it clearly. If my writing is not clear I rub it out and redo it
All my learners are women. Some of my learners wear a veil so that men can not see their face. When ever there was a technical problem with the interactive white board or the computer I had to call the technician who is a male so I told my learners before hand that the technician is coming. This gave them time to put their veil on. By doing this I am respecting my learners and not making them feel uncomfortable in any way. 5. Examine the impact of own professional values and judgements on teaching and learning
Teaching is a profession. As a teacher I have respect for my learners. I treat all learners equally, include all my learners and value the difference in them. I am always encouraging my learners to progress and develop. I take into account my teachers, colleagues, peers and learners feedback and make sure I evaluate and improve my practice.
I have good communication skills and eye contact. This helps my learners to interact and build a good rapport. I motivate my learners by praising them and encouraging them through their progression. I am very enthusiastic and teach with passion.
I plan and prepare my session with effective resources, taking into account learners needs and level of ability. I use a variety of resources and give a variety of activities to do. This keeps learners engaged and from getting bored.
I have registered with Institute of learning (IFL) to keep up to date with latest news and CPD. I constantly look for ways to improve the quality of my practice to deliver a successful lesson and help learners achieve their goals. I must have numeracy, ICT and literacy skills and keep myself up to date so I can teach my learners the functional skills correctly.
I demonstrate good practice by maintaining a safe, friendly and inclusive environment. I reflect and evaluate my own teaching practice to enhance my practice and learners learning.
In order to give the learners the maximum benefit from learning I need to find ways to help my ESOL learners use new and emerging technologies. I need to help my learners develop their skills for employment opportunities for example help them write a CV.
I need to collaborate with other organisations to share and discuss ways to help learners progress and develop. I also need to develop my own practice by observing more experienced teachers.
In conclusion I have learnt about professionalism and how to apply it within the Life Long Learning Sector. I have learnt about quality assurance and quality improvement. I also learnt different ways to evaluate and how to improve own wider professional practice.
(1). The Learning Age: a renaissance for a new Britain (2). Enter the Learning Age (3). The Learning Age: a renaissance for a new Britain (4). Funtional skills (5). equality and diversity in adult and community learning Gravells, 2008, Preparing to Teach in the life long Learning Sector, Third Edition, Learning Matters Ltd., Exeter.
Petty, 2009,Teaching Today- A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition, Cheltenham, Nelson Thornes Ltd
Scales, 2008, Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Typeset by BookEnds Ltd, Herts.
Wilson, 2009, Practical Teaching, Cengage Learning EMEA, Hampshire.
Wallace, 2007, Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Life Long learning Sector, Third Edition, Learning Matters Litd, Exeter.
Further reading:
The Learning Age: Introduction Section 1 Re-skilling for recovery: After Leitch, implementing skills and training policies The Skills Partnership Equality and Diversity Policy Evaluation Evaluations That Help Teachers Learn Inclusion, equality and diversity Dearing Report Lord Leitch publishes final report Armitage, Teaching and training in Pos t-Compolsory Education, Second Edition, 3003, Mcgraw – Hill Education, United Kingdom