to do, and how to live after a period of time you will follow and believe it’s the right thing to do. The people there believe that there society is “safe”, and all must obey the party. The characters live under a dictatorship, and really do love the mysterious leader who claims to be watching there every move. A select few, like Winston do not like the party, or “Big Brother”. “You hate him. Good. The time has come for you to take the last step. You must love Big Brother, it is not enough for you to obey him, and you must love him.” This utopia controlled by one ruler, and no one has freedom. This society is a representation of dehumanization. It is completely not normal and unfair. A dystopia is a place where something is bad, and not a fair or right society and Oceania is exactly like that.
Throughout literature, there have been novels upon novels that are based utopian communities, but then as time goes on they fall into the category of a dystopia. In literature the characters of the story usually realize that things are going wrong when the story reaches a certain point. In the novel 1984, there are many examples of it turning into a dystopia. For example, a utopia is all-pure, amazing, and full of love and amazing thing. A dystopia is the complete opposite. At the end of the chapter Winston realizes that he doesn’t love her, and nothing about what they had wasn’t pure. "Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don't care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!" Winston did not care about what they had and he didn’t care what Obrien did to her. Living in a place where youre being tortured for what you do can really do things to you and make you do things you don’t want to do. There are places in real life that are exactly like this as well. There is a ton of examples of utopias in novels, as well as real life communities like the ones in literature. The Fruitland’s, a utopian society located in Harvard Massachusetts is a society that has rules, and restrictions just like the society in Oceania. The people in this society have certain rules like not bathing in warm water; they can’t eat specific things, along with wearing different types of clothing. Living in the Fruitland’s can be harsh and difficult. The people there have to follow all of the rules in order to remain inside of the community. That community didn’t last a long time due to the people not wanting to be there. In a society where there are restrictions and constant surveillance, along with a dictatorship, that becomes a dystopia. Living in a dystopian society can become hard to recognize when you have been living there your whole life.
The Fruitland’s, a real life utopia degrades into a dystopia; the people just don’t think that it is actually bad. Living in a society that is degrading, and controlling with tons of restrictions is not healthy or okay. In the Fruitland’s, people are only allowed to bathe in unheated water, and are not allowed to eat and drink certain products. Other reasons as to why this utopia turns into a dystopia is because certain pieces of clothing is banned from wearing, and the strict rules of course that need to be followed as long as a person is living in that community. Living in this society is a utopia, and safe to the people but in reality is a horrible place. It is hard to judge situations when you are in them, than when you are outside looking in on the
situation. A utopian society is impossible to live in and wouldn’t work no matter what you tried to do. People don’t have a good understanding of what a utopia is, and wouldn’t be able to live in one. Humans get mad, and cannot live in a perfect world. No one in this world is perfect. If someone says that they are perfect or they live in a perfect society that is incorrect. There can be many meanings of a utopia, but in reality is does not matter what anyone does, nothing is perfect.