The movie Soylent Green is a dystopian movie made in the 1973 showing the harsh full impacts of overpopulation in the world. It takes place in the year 2020 in New York City, where 40 million people live. In this dystopian movie, there is no middle class, people are living in hallways and on the streets and cant afford electricity. There is a rich upper class and a lower class living in poverty. the upperclass is one that has the better life, while the lower class suffers from poverty. Classification in dystopias shows how a utopian society can become a dystopia when the gap between 2 classes increase. the bigger the gap between the higher class and lower class, the more harsher conditions for the common people. In the movie Elysium, the common people live on earth where living conditions are horrible, while the rich class lives in space where health care, technology and living conditions are substantially better. There is no in-between of the two classes, you were either poor living in poverty or rich living in a space paradise. In a utopia, there is middle class and people get the opportunity to get to a higher class through education and working hard. In dystopias, the people are stuck working hard in harsh conditions with very little benefit. Some sort of classification of people is in every dystopia, this is what cause the gap
The movie Soylent Green is a dystopian movie made in the 1973 showing the harsh full impacts of overpopulation in the world. It takes place in the year 2020 in New York City, where 40 million people live. In this dystopian movie, there is no middle class, people are living in hallways and on the streets and cant afford electricity. There is a rich upper class and a lower class living in poverty. the upperclass is one that has the better life, while the lower class suffers from poverty. Classification in dystopias shows how a utopian society can become a dystopia when the gap between 2 classes increase. the bigger the gap between the higher class and lower class, the more harsher conditions for the common people. In the movie Elysium, the common people live on earth where living conditions are horrible, while the rich class lives in space where health care, technology and living conditions are substantially better. There is no in-between of the two classes, you were either poor living in poverty or rich living in a space paradise. In a utopia, there is middle class and people get the opportunity to get to a higher class through education and working hard. In dystopias, the people are stuck working hard in harsh conditions with very little benefit. Some sort of classification of people is in every dystopia, this is what cause the gap