The e-cigarette liquid comes in a variety of flavors and the devices can come in different forms from “cigars and pipes [to] pens or USB memory sticks” (NIDA et al). “E-cigarettes first appeared in the U.S. market designed to help tobacco addicts wean themselves from smoking [also known as cessation]” (Raloff). While some people think that these products really help with smoking cessation, it is still hard to tell if e-cigarettes are really helping the problem of nicotine addiction or further aggravating the issue (NIDA et al). The FDA has been trying to regulate these products but are running into roadblocks; “e-cigarettes are not currently marketed as tobacco products or as devices having a therapeutic purpose” thus making it harder to place rules on the products. With limited regulations on e-cigarette cartridges and the liquids used therein, children and young teenagers are becoming attacked by these products with little protection from …show more content…
Rapidly increasing rates of use among teenagers is creating worry in parents and in pediatricians. The chemicals contained therein such as nicotine, formaldehyde and diethylene glycol are dangerous substances that can cause poisonings and other adverse effects in exposed humans. So although, “the emissions from e-cigarettes have been publicized as ‘harmless water vapor,’ accumulating evidence demonstrates that the vapor inhaled into the user’s lungs does contain numerous known toxins and carcinogens such as formaldehyde and tobacco- specific nitrosamines (carcinogenic substances)” (Pros and Cons of E-cigarette Regulations