Without these programs, children who did not experience early childhood intervention may experience deficiency in learning and can be prone to missing opportunities in learning. It is the time where their brain is ready to learn new things. With these programs, it can help them in their growing years. In some cases, children with disabilities are the ones who are needed in the early intervention program. Providing early intervention can increase their intelligence quotient. Early intervention may provide assistance to children to decrease their chances of being held back at school. It can also be a key to have a chance to finish high school and attend college. Early intervention can also help children with disabilities to increase their chances of scoring high in achievement tests and exams and it can also decrease anti social and bullying in the …show more content…
The experience, like others in early life, drives the wiring of the billions of neurons of the brain that influences or builds the basic capabilities of the brain.” The family also has a very important role of a child’s growing years. They make sure that the child learns many things as they grow up. One of these is when the parents share stories, sing nursery rhymes and they talk to each other. The family gives love and support to the child, they are the ones who provide the need of a child. They are the main role of advocating their child. The parents must know the role and the purpose of the program and how it works. They must also know the best positive outcome of the services for their child because the parents who have bigger knowledge about the program can ensure what they need for their child. Children learn from everyday interactions with familiar people just like their family and friends, from different kinds of places, experience and everyday routines. Young children learn most of their developing years when they are taught by their parents to communicate, play with them, eat and share stories to their child. Early intervention can be taught in a daycare centers, private school, a public school and much more at home; the family and the