Now, I know that sometimes groups and organizations, in an effort to support their own cause or agenda will seek out the information that best supports their viewpoint. However, even if the footage I saw in this film represents nothing more than a small fraction of the “animal” industry then it is still something that warrants careful thought.
So that is exactly what I did, I thought. Then I realized that it’s not just the killing of animals that I found so repulsive. Realistically, we humans, are animals, and by nature, omnivores. Other animals hunt kill and eat their prey so why can’t we? We are and always have been part of the food chain.
But are we really? Sure, at one time, humans would physically go out and hunt animals for the purpose of nourishment, clothing and maybe even shelter. However these humans showed respect to the animals they killed. They realized the animals were necessary for their survival and that these animals could not just be slaughtered into extinction. The people took from nature only what they needed to survive not unlike the other animals on the planet. Now though, we as humans drown ourselves on the flesh and blood of animals with little or no respect to the beasts slaughtered for our benefit. To us, these animals do not have a face, or feelings.