In the project, there are four parts to present the subject of Jesus’ parable: Define the word parable, analyze Christ’s purpose in using parables, identify guidelines for interpreting parables, and apply the correct interpretation of the parable and apply it to personal culture. According to the order, the following in the first paragraph is the first part of the definition of the word parable.
A definition of the word parable:
"He began to teach them many things in parables." (Mark 4:2) Jesus used the material from everyday human life and connected with the spiritual truth to teach his disciples and the crowds who were willing to follow him (McClaflin 2013, 236). Parables is the most famous form associated with His teaching ministry. Don Schwager(2016) states that the parable of Jesus are simple word-pictures, images, and characters. These were taken from everyday life to create a small stage or drama to elaborate his teaching (under “What is a Parable?”).
In Easton's Bible Dictionary (2016), the definition of parable is a placing beside; a comparison; equivalent to the Heb, “mashal", a similitude (under "Parable - Easton's Bible Dictionary Online."). The Easton's Bible Dictionary also indicates that two-part of the parable …show more content…
Now we can apply the guidelines to Jesus’ parable, “the sower”. Accordant with the first rule, knowing the truth of this parable stresses the mysteries of the Kingdom of God/heaven. The forward analysis conveyed the word of the kingdom and good ground the hears’ responds. In the context, Jesus already concluded the subject and meaning of the parable from His explanation for the disciples about the parable after His address to the multitude. In addition, we followed the second rule to look for the meaning that Christ himself supplied. We can see in Mark 4:13-20, Matthew 13:18-23, and Luke 8:11-15 where Christ stresses the word of God and hearers’