In evaluating this component of the control environment consider whether : * There appears to be sufficient integrity on the part of management and employees 2. Commitment to Competence
In evaluating this component of the control environment consider whether : * Management has specified the competence level needed for particular skills and translated the desired levels of competence into requisite knowledge and skills * Evidence exists indicating that employees appear to have the requisite knowledge and skills
Greatly Neither Greatly
Weakens Weakens nor Sthrengthens
Control Sthrengthens Control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. Board of directors or audit committee participation
In evaluating this component of the control environment, consider whether : * A board exists and is sufficient in membership to deal with important issues adequately * Directors or committee members have sufficient knowledge, industry experience and time to serve effectively * Some directors or committee members are independent of management * Frequency and timeliness with which meetings are held with accounting officers and and external auditors * The board overseas and takes action as needed
Greatly Neither Greatly
Weakens Weakens nor Sthrengthens
Control Sthrengthens Control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. Management’s philosophy and operating style
In evaluating this component, consider whether : * Business risks are adequately monitored * Management is willing to undertake relatively low levels of business risk * Management places a high priority on internal control * Management explicity attempts to reduce the risk of misstatements
Greatly Neither Greatly
Weakens Weakens nor Sthrengthens
Control Sthrengthens Control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. Organizational structure
In evaluating this