Easy Natural Remedies for Hair & Skin
Companion Remedies for Natural Beauty
ClearSkin-A Gel - Promotes healthy clear skin and encourages a smooth and trouble free complexion. The Natural Science of Skin and Skin Care - Learn about the science behind beautiful, glowing skin
Mediac - Homeopathic remedy temporarily treats symptoms of acne vulgaris including blackheads on the face and body
RosaRex - Homeopathic remedy temporarily reduces facial redness, flushing and bumpy texture Invigorate Skin Tonic - Promotes healthy functioning of the epidermis and tissues to nourish and support firm, supple skin
Halitonic - Promotes mouth freshness, as well as systemic cleansing and purifying.
ReGrow Plus - Promotes circulation, hormonal and thyroid functioning for healthy hair and nail growth.
Total Balance Women's Plus - Essential nutrients needed to help prevent degeneration and premature aging.
Skin Dr. - Helps maintain lymphatic functioning, promoting blemish-free healthy skin.
EcoSlim - Promotes healthy metabolism, liver, thyroid and digestive functioning
Nail-RX - Effectively treats and resolves nail fungal infections naturally
Frownies - This complete skin rejuvenation system has been call the best wrinkle treatment for facial wrinkles, frown lines, eye wrinkles and lip lines.
(Add to water (4 parts water 1 part oil) and spray onto scalp and you can add to your shampoo and conditioners also).
Oils To Relieve Itching: Lavender, German Chamomile and Eucalyptus Oils (Mixed together and dabbed locally on effected areas has a soothing effect). personally recommend BE Vital by Balanced Essentials above. Neem oil is also a very good dandruff preventative which can be added to any of the formulas detailed below and is excellent for psoriasis and eczema…I highly recommend Naturally Ngaromas’ pet soap (yes it is great for humans too and gentle enough to use as a shampoo as