The patient presents with hair loss that began 5 months ago. The problem is mild to moderate and has worsened. The initial location of hair loss was the diffuse scalp and temporal region that occurred gradually. Symptoms are associated with very low carbohydrate dieting and new medication within 3 - 6 months (Aleve). Symptoms are not associated with hair pulling, increased psychological stress, fever, recent illness, recent surgery or scalp rash. Relevant history positive for family history of hair thinning on both sides. Relevant history negative for anemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo or ulcerative colitis. The patient is not currently pregnant. Associated symptoms include intentional weight loss of 50 lbs over 10 months. Pertinent negatives include anxiety, depression, dry scalp, fever, heat intolerance, itchy scalp, rash, scalp kerion, scalp tenderness or skin sores. Noticed hair thinning for about 5 months. No bald spots, lesions on scalp or skin. Estimates she has lost 25% of hair thickness.…