At the time of experiment and studies, studying hunting and gathering subsistence economy of that people, Lee had restrictions on sharing his food provision with the people of the !Kung. As he recalls, "While liberal handouts of tobacco and medical supplies were appreciated, they were scarcely adequate to erase the glaring disparity in wealth between the anthropologist who maintained a two month inventory of canned goods, and the Bushmen, who rarely had a day's supply of food on hand" (Lee, 2008). Considering his way of showing power over those people, they often called him hard-hearted and misery. Therefore, when his living there was …show more content…
At first he thought something was wrong with him. Then, having found out the real reason for such actions, he realized that all that was about humility. This problem arose because the author of this article did not really know the culture and traditions of the people he was living with. The socialization in this case has not taken place as it might have been needed because of the traditional and customs differences in the consciousness of people. Lee believed that the Bushmen did not want to thank him for his present as they were ungrateful. There is even more to say. The differences in the ways of thinking of both Bushmen and the article’s author evidenced the differences in the social organization of the