Andrea Thomas
Western Governors University
EBT 1 Task 2
A. Review of the Sources of Evidence
B. Sources of Evidence Being Reviewed
C. A1- Classification of Types of Sources of Evidence
D. A2- Appropriateness of Sources of Evidence
E. A3- Classification of Sources of Evidence
In text citations
Classify each source of evidence as either a general information resource, a filtered resource, or an unfiltered resource.
Discuss whether each source of evidence is appropriate for this nursing practice situation.
Classify each source of evidence as primary research, evidence summary, evidence-based guideline, or none of these.
AAP/AAFP, 2004
This source of evidence is a filtered resource. …show more content…
Part D1. Ethical Issues when Research Involves Children When research involves children, unique ethical issues arise such as autonomy, vulnerability, and confidentiality. Children are usually seen as more vulnerable than adults because they lack the ability to participate in the complex decision making that healthcare involves. This can propose an issue with vulnerability due to parents, legal guardians and healthcare professionals being trusted to look out for the best interest of the child. It seems that due to these vulnerability issues, not a lot of research is done on children which means children are unable to benefit from the advancements that research makes. Autonomy tends to be an issue with children during research because informed consent in their age group tends to be more of a gray area instead of black and white. Some children are considered competent may be able to provide informed consent on their own, these children are usually called “mature minors.” Another way children may provide informed consent is if their parents or guardian approve of them making the decision. Some children are reliant on other