Formulae Sheet in ECE/TCE Department
Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation : DSB-SC : u (t) = m(t) cos 2π t Power P = Conventioanal AM : u (t) = [1 + m(t)] Cos 2π t . as long as |m(t)| ≤ 1 demodulation is simple . Practically m(t) = a m (t) . () () Modulation index a = ( ) , m (t) = | ( )| Power = +
SSB-AM : → Square law Detector SNR =
Square law modulator ↓ = 2a / a → amplitude Sensitivity Envelope Detector R C (i/p) < < 1 / ≥ Frequency & Phase Modulation : Angle Modulation :u (t) = ∅ (t) Cos (2π t + ∅ (t) ) ( ) → 2π m(t) . dt → phase & frequency deviation constant R C (o/P) >> 1/ R C x} = 1 – P { X ≤ x} = 1- (x)
PDF :Pdf =
(x) =
No.1 Training center for GATE/IES/JTO/PSUs in Bangalore @ Malleshwaram & Jayanagar, Bangalore. Ph: 0 99003 99699/ 0 97419 00225 / 080-32552008 Email : Site: Google+: FB:
Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Formulae Sheet in ECE/TCE Department
Pmf = (x) = Properties: (x) ≥ 0 (x) = (∞) = (x) * u(x) =
= x } δ(x = x )
(x) dx
(x) dx =1 so, area under PDF = 1 (x)dx
P{x 1 (over damped) :-
No.1 Training center for GATE/IES/JTO/PSUs in Bangalore @ Malleshwaram & Jayanagar, Bangalore. Ph: 0 99003 99699/ 0 97419 00225 / 080-32552008 Email : Site: Google+: FB:
Institute Of Engineering Studies (IES,Bangalore)
Formulae Sheet in ECE/TCE Department
C(t) = 1 T= > > >
Time Domain Specifications : Rise time t = Peak time t =
/ Max over shoot % =e × 100 Settling time t = 3T 5% tolerance = 4T 2% tolerance . Delay time t = ∅
∅ = tan
Damping actor
( (
) )
Time period of oscillations T = No of oscillations =
= ; ω =ω 2 + 1 2 + 2)
t ≈ 1.5 t t = 2.2 T Resonant peak = Bandwidth ω = ω (1
ω > ω ) → good conductor Complex