2. Hotels……………………………………………….5
3. History Of Hotels…………………………………..6
4. Eco- Friendly……………………………………….7
5. The Origin…………………………………………..7
6. Ecotels……………………………………….............8
7. ECOTEL Certification Services…………………...10
8. Eco Friendly Concept………………………………11
9. First World Ecotel………………………….............12
10. First Ecotel In India………………………………..13
11. Housekeeping ………………………………………13
12. Housekeeping and Eco-Friendly…………..............15
13. Eco Friendly Amenities Products and Processes…15
14. Eco Friendly Housekeeping ……………………….17
15. Eco Friendly Products……………………………...18
16. Suggestions and Recommendations………………..19
17. Conclusion…………………………………………...20
18. Reference…………………………………………….21
19. Appendix…………………………………………….24
In today’s world there is a need for conserving the environment. Global warming is on a high and due to this different climatic changes are taking place affecting many. Hence there is a need for a sustainable environment. Every Industry is finding new methods and technology to improve its production and profit not realizing how much they are affecting our environment. In today’s world the trend of being environmental friendly is increasing. Hotels are trying to play their part and as every person irrelevant whether they are travelling for leisure, business or any other purpose use a hotel. As a hotel has a wide network of influence on people the hotels are going environmental friendly by introducing the concept of Ecotels. The housekeeping is where there is the widest scope for being environmental friendly and preserving natural resources. As they are the ones who use the most amount of resources such as water and energy.
A Hotel can be defined as a place where a bonofide guest stays for a particular period of time and avails the facilities and services given by the hotel and pays for the services and facilities available. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a