August 17, 2009
Eco-Friendly Fundraising Activity
In an attempt to raise funds for a field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific, the entire first grade unit, which consists of 80 students, will hold an Eco-friendly fundraiser. Our objective is to raise funds to pay for an admission ticket for each student and travel costs to the aquarium. Our goal is to raise $1,500, which is the total cost of the field trip. In order to raise these funds the first graders will be designing personal reusable shopping bags. Having an Eco-friendly fundraiser allows us to not only raise funds for our filed trip, but it also allows us to help the planet. This will be called the “2-for-1” deal. The fundraiser will take place one week before Earth Day in April. Each bag will be sold for $5 for a span of five days. These bags will be available for anyone interested purchasing one. However, we do anticipate that our primary supporters will be the parents of the children involved. Thus, most of the sales will result from their interactions with friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Parents, students and teachers of other grade levels, and members of the community will be notified about the Eco-friendly fundraiser through letters. This letter will explain how the first grade unit has decided to take on the challenge of raising funds for the cost of a field trip to the aquarium. I will let it be known that we have a large fundraising goal for our Eco-friendly fundraiser. The letter will also provide the expected cost for the entire first grade unit to go on this field trip. There will be an attached order form and envelope to the letter. Donations would also be accepted from individuals who are not interested in purchasing a designed reusable shopping bag, but still interested in helping the first grade unit meet their goal of $1,500. It is important that we let everyone know how we greatly appreciate their help in reaching our target.
As part of our fundraiser kick