NBKR Medicinal Plants Research Institute, SPSP Nellore (DT), Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. drskmbasha@gmail.com ABSTRACT:
Pulicat Lake is the second largest brackish water lagoon after Chilika Lake of Orissa along the east coast of India. Estuaries and lagoons have brackish water which shows high biological productivity than fresh or sea water. Hence it has wide range of aquatic, terrestrial flora. The World Wide Fund for Nature declared it as a protected area. Present study aims to explore the flora of the lagoon along with the various threats for its eco-degradation which helps to plan necessary conservation methods.
Key words: Phytodiversity – Pulicat Lake – Threats – Conservation
INTRODUCTION: Pulicat Lake is the second largest brackish water lagoon after chilika lake of Orissa along the east coast of India. The area on the TN side is 153.67 Sq.km. It extends over 600 Sq. Kms in Andhra Pradesh covering the 5Mandals of Tada. Sullurpet, Doravari satram, Chittamuru and Vakadu of Nellore District. Estuaries and lagoons have brackish water which shows high biological productivity then fresh or sea water. Hence it has wide range of aquatic, terrestrial flora. The world wide fund for nature declared it as a protected area. Present study aims to explore the flora and fauna of the lagoon along with the various threats for its eco-degradation which helps to plan necessary conservation methods. The Pulicat area has some very significant patches of remnants of southern tropical dry ever green forest interspersed with mangrove forest, littoral vegetation and cane brake on Sriharikata Island which is of considerable Botanical interest. The sanctuary area has some very significant patches of remnants of Southern