Imagine, touring one of the major cities of the United States or just going about your business in your hometown. All
Imagine, touring one of the major cities of the United States or just going about your business in your hometown. All
The issue I chose to write about is health and the significant impact that it has on millions across the world in our society. In relation to the environment, there are certain types of health risks that can play a major part such as: cancer, mortality, certain disabilities, and how all of these things are managed on a consistent basis. These environmental issues affect everyone, not just one particular person or type of group amongst us all. For this reason alone, it is imperative to bring light to each individual situation and develop some sort of change to create a basic balance throughout the world. There are many causes that make these issues prevalent such as toxins that pollute…
Over the years people have lost more and more care for the Earth and it is suffering the consequences of this neglect. A bad stewardship of the planet makes it respond with problems such as Air Pollution, Global warming, Water Pollution, overpopulation, etc. We think that as stewards of the planet we have the rights to do what we want with it, but this is damaging it, and us as well. We are the only ones here with the power and capability to change this, and there are certain estrategies that we can implement in order to make a positive impact on our Earth's water, land, and air.…
Colney and Pitts is a pharmaceutical company that is located in California. Colney and Pitts are planning to set up a manufacturing plant near the Aberdares mountain range in the eastern highlands of Kenya. Their main purpose is to use this facility to manufacture medications for prostate cancer. Located in the Aberdares Mountain is a native tribe called The Kikuyu. After much research and extensive surveying of the area, it was determined that a type of evergreen tree known as “pygeum” or prunus Africana, is used by the tribes people to cure what they refer to as “old men’s disease”. We would commonly know this as prostatitis and genitourinary disorders. “The species has been over-exploited and is becoming rare in most areas” (Nonjinge, 2006). After putting together a plan of what they want to accomplish, Colney and Pitts have budgeted $250,000 to start developmental activities in the region. However, they estimate that the amount of money that can be made by selling the prunus Africana over the counter, will estimate about 220 million dollars a year.…
Unless you live under a rock, you will have noticed what’s happening around the human race due to global warming and climate modification. It is not only affecting us humans, it is also affecting our vegetation, our animals, and our oceans. I recently watched a video by National Geographic about the precious coral reefs in the Florida Keys and it talked about how the coral reefs cannot keep up with the rising sea level, so eventually they will all just die (“Fighting to Save Coral in the Florida Keys”). Additionally this will lead to habitat loss and then species dying off. If this scenario belonged to one area it would be tragic but climate change is disrupting habitats and killing off dependent mintage humanity worldwide.…
The earth has been around for over four and a half billion years. Throughout this time, nature has flourished, constructing more than we could do in a lifetime. More recently though, there has been in a large decline in our overall environment. This decline however is largely unnoticed, with many people simply disregarding the changes completely an act of denial. The main cause behind this rapidly changing world is humans.…
The atmosphere is choking from excessive amounts of carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases are melting polar icecaps and rising sea levels. Deforestation is diminishing our chances of ever discovering new species in forests and destroying the carbon cycle. Humans do in fact have the capability of changing the basic chemistry of this massive planet. Scientific evidence shows that we have already contributed to irreversible climate change. Humankind has an obligation to reconcile its difference with the environment and learn to conserve natural resources. Conservation begins with knowledge, which leads to action, which will save our…
Currently, our planet is going through a series of significant climate events that is potentially leaving an impact. Global warming has been at the center of creating destructive climate change. By increasing the amounts of greenhouse gases, humans are creating an environment with hotter temperatures, melting ice caps, and rising sea levels. To add on, scientists are now worried that humans are potentially destroying the oceans by creating an acidic environment in the water. The acidic environment may be destroying life. The theory is an increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the oceans maybe causing harm to several different sea organisms from huge coral reefs to microscopic plankton. Without human interaction, our oceans may be put into jeopardy. This could potentially leave the planet with catastrophic irreversible damage that will last for thousands…
“Ethics is the study of the choices people make regarding right and wrong” (Ruggiero, 2008). Environmental ethics, it is more of a study about moral relationships of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents. Humans have been sharing our lives with nature for many of years; we have to make many ethical decisions with respect to the environment everyday. We have been concentrating on finding ways and ideas to make our lives easier. Over time we have forgotten to take in the immoral consideration of what we might be doing to our environment itself. In the past, future and even present, there have been many controversial issues on environmental ethics that need to be answered. There are environmental issues affecting our world today such as deforestation and pollution. These problems have even begun to affect us at a global scale and not only have we put ourselves in grave peril but we have also managed to endanger every other species that exist on earth. As noted by Yamamoto (2001), “In Buddhism, human life, and other forms of life are regarded as being of the same matter. Therefore, since they are always related to living things, Buddhism regards environmental problems as essentially an issue of ethics.”…
Everything is so interdependent that upsetting one part can lead to unknown damage or even destruction of the whole. Sadly, it has taken only a century of human intervention to destroy what nature designed to last forever. The scale of human pressures on ecosystems everywhere has increased enormously in the last few decades. Since 1980 the global economy has tripled in size and the world population has increased by 30 percent. Consumption of everything on the planet has risen- at a cost to our ecosystems. In 2001, The World Resources Institute estimated that the demand for rice, wheat, and corn is expected to grow by 40% by 2020, increasing irrigation water demands by 50% or more.…
Humans have been living and making modifications to the earth since the beginning of time. Looking back many years ago we can see that way of life was not as fast paced as today. However as our population continues to grow and we continue to inhabit this planet, we are subconsciously and consciously destroying our precious environment with the goal to make life easier while producing economical benefits. Even though environmentalist continue to warn us of the consequences and dangers our daily activities cause the environment, such as our over consumption of natural resources. The future of our earth remains uncertain due to the detrimental effects that arise from individuals quest for fulfilment, economic advancement…
Understanding the role in which science plays in an environmental controversy is a crucial element for a comprehensive analysis. The use of scientific knowledge is often represented as a fundamental principle within environmental controversies. The centralized view of science relates to many factors. Firstly, the assumptions of science as an authority lend it to be a privileged type of knowledge. Secondly, as the status of science is portrayed as privileged, various groups or players within the controversy utilize this resource as a power of authority over other knowledge. The struggles over knowledge claims still reside in environmental controversies. However,…
Our current global situation: Since the mid 1980s, humanity has been in ecological overshoot with annual demand on resources exceeding what Earth can regenerate each year.…
help to revive them. Louise Miller once said that,". . . the ecologist is the…
Earth is composed of many different ecosystems and each one is a “dynamic complex of plant, animal, and micro-organism communities interacting with the non-living environment as a functional unit" (Protecting Threatened Ecosystems, 2004). These ecosystems are an intricate part of the human lifecycle as they provide us with our water, food and energy. Since mankind is in a take and take some more relationship with the ecosystems, many of them have had their natural processes disrupted, not to mention the added pollution and excessive use. According to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, "Over 60% of all ecosystems on the globe are overexploited and have entered into a degradation cycle with often unknown consequences" (2004). How do we as humans combat this you ask? The answer, a simple one, is through ecosystem maintenance by conservation or preservation.…
Ever since man has come on the Earth, he has brought nothing but destruction to nature. Since they started use of toxic materials and oil, there has been a lot of pollution. Man has always wanted to live and travel comfortably but he did not know was that he was destroying nature. The cause of nature getting destroyed was pollution, oil spills, cutting down trees, sound pollution, killing animals for their skin and other purposes and the list goes on and on. He did not think that it would finally affect him in a very bad way. Because of man, many fantastic creatures are extinct like the Tazmanian Tiger, The Dodo Bird, The golden bear, etc. and animals that are going to be extinct such as the Great White Shark, the sperm whale, the golden bald eagle, the Serbian tiger and the African elephant. Scientists had predicted about global warming and greenhouse effect many years before but man did not listen. He went on polluting more and killing animals and cutting down more trees. This spoiled the environment even more which probably caused the bad weather, earthquake and tsunami in South-East Asia and its neighbours. Scientists have predicted that if the environment keeps getting worse, there will be drastic change in the Earth's environment in the 2020. The tsunamis and the earthquakes are just warning from the Mother Nature. Man still has a chance to take corrective measures or else it will be very late. Nothing will change if the people will not change. People should stop throwing wrappers, plastic glasses, etc. People also spit on the roads and pollute the environment in which they live. But he does not realize that this action of his will only destroy the delicate balance of nature. If the nature takes matter into their own hands, it will destroy man by natural calamities such as tsunamis, earthquakes, flashfloods, storms, volcanic eruptions and a beginning of a new ice age. The natural calamities that are increasing day by day are a wakeup call to mankind. We…