Prostitution, and sex trafficking is a clear representation of this form because this nature comes easy when women, or children need to gain survival. Found by Mackinnon (2011) Many assume that id it’s not desirable than prostitution can be necessary, or inevitable as well as harmless. Prostitution comes in many distinctions that drive women, and children to the dangerous life of violence, and physical harm. When pimps, and madams in brothels sell women, and children for the sake of power the income becomes different given the power of an economic inequality. Mackinnon (2011) stated that in every place prostitutes are overwhelmingly poor, and the urgent need for financial is the popular reason why all ages, and all genders are in the sex
Prostitution, and sex trafficking is a clear representation of this form because this nature comes easy when women, or children need to gain survival. Found by Mackinnon (2011) Many assume that id it’s not desirable than prostitution can be necessary, or inevitable as well as harmless. Prostitution comes in many distinctions that drive women, and children to the dangerous life of violence, and physical harm. When pimps, and madams in brothels sell women, and children for the sake of power the income becomes different given the power of an economic inequality. Mackinnon (2011) stated that in every place prostitutes are overwhelmingly poor, and the urgent need for financial is the popular reason why all ages, and all genders are in the sex