The purpose of a PESTEL analysis is mainly involved with studying all the external factors of a business that can directly or indirectly impact the firm’s future long, medium and short term strategies. By doing this a business can plan for the future and analyse their strengths of the business, weaknesses of the business, opportunities that could help for growth and profit and threats from competitors. You can use your opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses to turn into tasks for a project plan for example how a business can use its strengths to take advantage of its opportunities. PESTEL is the first letters of five words which stand for Political e.g. business law and regulation, Economical e.g. interest rates, Social e.g. Culture and religion, Technological e.g. new technology’s, Legal e.g. laws such as discrimination and Environment e.g. Climate and climate change. A pestle analysis is best used for mainly business and strategic planning, marketing planning and product development. These factors determine the success and failure of a business. The results of a PESTLE analysis are used to inform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis which will identify the factors that may emerge or impact our strategy.
Coca cola is the world’s leading manufacturer distributer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverages concentrates and syrups. They have over 400 brands including Fanta, oasis and relentless. The business was founded in 1886 with operations in over 200 countries but based in Atlanta. cola has to take its political pressures very seriously being such a huge company around the world; coca cola falls into under the category FDA (food and drug association). This is responsible for