INTRODUCTION Educational planning is concerned with the problems of how to make the best use of limited resources allocated to education in view of the priorities given to different stages of education or different sector of education and the need of the economy. According to Adesina (1982), there are three rival approaches to educational planning. The three rival approaches are: 1. The social demand approach –
2. The manpower requirement approach
3. The cost benefit analysis
The Man-Power Requirement Approach The focus of this approach is to forecast the manpower needs of the economy. That is, it stresses output from the educational system to meet the man-power needs at some future date. The approach focuses on 3 main elements, namely: 1. Specification of the composition of manpower need at some future date e.g. 2015-2020. 2. Specification of man power availabilities e.g. in 1995. 3. Specification which reconciles the former specification with the later.
Advantages of Man-Power Approach
1. Man-Power could usefully call attention to extreme gaps and imbalances in the education out-put pput pattern that need remedy. This does not need elaborate statistical studies.
2. It gives educators useful guidance on how roughly educational qualifications of the labour force ought to be developed in the future. That is, the relative proportion of people who would have primary education, secondary education and various amount of post-secondary training. 3. The unemployment and underemployment which may result from some over-emphasis on man-power approach may become a challenge to move towards the right kind of education which may be development-oriented, and thereby