American Romantic Movement. He was the principal forerunner of the “Art for art’s sake”
movement in the 19th century. Poe focused his critics on specifics of style and construction that
contributed to a work’s failure or effectiveness, instead of focusing on moral and ideological
generalities. Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts and was orphaned at a young age when
his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family. Poe was taken in by John (a
prosperous exporter) and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia, but never formally adopted him.
Poe attended the best schools available. He attended the University of Virginia at …show more content…
Wisdom was an emblem left over from the 18th century. It is upon this wisdom
that the raven settles. The bust of Pallas and the raven's subsequent perch on it may be ironic,
for it is the narrator that gives the bird such wisdom over the narrator.The raven could be seen
as more of a godly figure which wouldn’t be uncommon because in Greek Mythology Zeus
would take the forms of different animals and beings. Midnight is traditionally referred to as the
darkest part of night.Nothing lives in winter, December is in the winter. Winter is typically the
coldest time of year,and comes every year, which could also symbolize death.
The Raven was published in 1845 and Virginia died two years later from tuberculosis. In
some cases tuberculosis can kill within a few months or a few years if the person went into
remission. Poe could have wrote this as a foreshadowing to the inevitable death of his beloved
Virginia. Lenore is a heavenly and other worldly symbol and a symbol of a loved one …show more content…
The Raven also
symbolizes death himself, kind of like the grim reaper coming to get you, and everybody knows
you can’t escape death, so the raven also shows the symbolism of inevitable death to come.
The narrator kept asking the raven if he would be able to be with Lenore in the afterlife, in
heaven, and with the reputation of “Nevermore” it shows that what is done is done and it is all
over. Basically you are born alone, you live alone, you die alone. The narrator hopes for a more
cheerful answer as he looks up at this raven for reassurance in his time of mourning but instead
gets an answer which leaves him with no hope that he will be reunited with his beloved. Since
he isn't getting the answer he desires he slowly looses his mind. Poe died in 1849 which would
have been 2 years after Virginia passed. The decline in the mental stability of the narrator may
reflect on the declining mental stability in Poe. The setting of this poem is late night in
December. When people think of December they typically think of cold, all the animals are
hibernating or have gone someplace warmer, plants typically don’t survive the cold