In the article Klein states “My generation was taught that all we needed to succeed was an education and hard work.” Which is absolutely true but it’s not our fault that job are not available. There isn’t anything we can do to change the economic slump. We can place blame and point fingers but it will never get us anywhere. I agree that action needs to be taken but how? Things would change if we could stand up for ourselves, like Portugal, protesting to send a message for change. When are we going to follow their footsteps? People need more of a push to actually want to get out and get a job. Taxes need to be lowered so that businesses can grow, which in turn will create more jobs and result in lower unemployment rates. We all know it’s easier said than done. In the state we are in with high taxes which has lead us to company downsizing and we all know where that leaves us. I am also very well aware that taking money away from the government also means taking away from our economy but there has to be some kind of happy medium.
No one should be ashamed to take on positions that pay less than expected, we do what we need to do to get by. Maybe we should be patient and just not expect to get placed in an amazing job right out of school. We should never lose hope in our