English, Period 3
November 8, 2010
“The Cask of Amontillado vs. Dolan’s Cadillac” “I waited and watched for seven years. I saw him come and go – Dolan”, “The thousands of injuries of Fortunate I had borne as I best could, but when ventured upon insult. I vowed revenge – The narrator” With the words spoken by these two men, in the stories, “Dolan’s Cadillac” and “The Cask of Amontillado”, one can see their ambition to get revenge on the ones who wronged. The characters, plot, and theme of the two stories are very much alike. The main characters seek revenge on the people who avenge them and gain their control of life back after their revenge has been succeeded. The theme that will best fit the stories is revenge is best served cold, in the Cask of Amontillado it’s served hot. Focusing on the characters, the narrators of “Dolan Cadillac” and the “Cask of Amontillado”, the reader can notice that they have the same thought process, and both take revenge on well known males in their society. While both authors are great writers, it is the reader’s decision on which writer they prefer. To begin with, the narrators both have the some thought process on revenge. First, they both watched their man from a distance before pursuing them face to face. In Dolan’s Cadillac, he watches his avenger for seven years, planning, building, and retrieving all the materials he needed to take revenge on the guy that killed his wife. That was his main purpose of wanting revenge. In Cask of Amontillado, he waited for him and his avenger to meet face to face, also planning, building, and retrieving materials, for the perfect time to begin his plan of revenge. The narrators’ main purpose of revenge was being insulted by Fortunato, his avenger. Second, the way they are getting revenge is similar. They both bury their victims alive. In Dolan’s Cadillac, he buried