An Examination of Using Graphic Organizers to Teach Writing: A case study
Katie Lancaster
Eastern Illinois University
ELE 5900
Spring 2013
The purpose of this action research study was to determine whether or not using graphic organizers to teach writing would have an impact on first grade students’ attitudes toward writing and proficiency in the areas of word choice and organization. This six-week study was guided by two primary research questions: 1) Does using graphic organizers impact students’ attitudes towards writing? And 2) How does using graphic organizers impact students’ ability to use word choice and organization in writing? Throughout the entirety of this study, two main sources were used to collect information. The sources that were used were: a survey about students’ attitudes towards writing and independent student writing samples completed three times throughout the study. At the conclusion of the research study, results showed that graphic organizers are an effective teaching technique in writing. Students showed improved attitudes toward writing and their usage of word choice and organization improved.
An Examination of Using Graphic Organizers to Teach Writing: A Case Study
Writing is a life skill that students must learn in order to communicate effectively in and out of school. “Writing is one of the most powerful tools we have for learning and for demonstrating what we know” (Santangelo & Olinghouse, 2009, p. 1). Studies show that when children are not taught how to write effectively, significant barriers in education, employment, and other life pursuits may occur (Chohan, 2011; Santangelo & Olinghouse, 2009). “It is terribly important for kids to read and write for reasons that people all over the world read and write,
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