Unit 001 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning
Assessment Task 1
Task 1 Assignment Page 3
References Page 7
1. Understand own role and responsibilities in the lifelong learning.
(1.1) Having been requested to produce a brief on my roles in teaching and professional values whist teaching in this role. I have to deal with variety of personnel from different ability groups and cultures. I often have to deal with ever changing legislation such as the Joint Service Publications (JSP’s) regarding subjects taught at the training wing, as well as the JSP’s we have to work in line with the Royal logistic Corps Training and Development Team (TDT) which gives up to date changes regarding our codes of practice. some of my roles in teaching the CLM courses are teaching Military Discipline which gets updated regularly from the Army Act 2006, my other key area is Health & Safety which is governed by not only the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 (HASWA) but has its own JSP for the Ministry of Defence (MOD). (1.2) As with any organisation the MOD must comply with the Equality Act 2006, as for my role in promoting Equality and valuing Diversity as mentioned earlier the Royal Logistic Corps has a very versatile group with personnel from all over the commonwealth and also having many different religions. We adapt our lessons and exercises in line with the needs of personnel who may require a different learning style than that being used with extra time given to anyone that may have dyslexia or any other learning difficulty, if a soldier requires time off for religious beliefs they will be given extra tuition for the teaching periods missed, concessions will also be made if a soldier wears headdress as part of their religion with time given before and after an event such as firing on a range where they must
References: Gravells, Ann (2012) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector 5th Edition Learning Matters Wilson, Linda (2008) Practical Teaching A Guide to PTLLS & DTLLS Delmar Cengage Learning, Hampshire Chapters 1 – 8 and 11 http://akuro.co.uk PTLLS 6303 Units 002 Accessed 18 April 12 Smith, Vikki and Armstrong, Anne (2005) beyond prejudice inclusive learning in practice Learning and Skills Development Agency,London www.direct.gov.uk/en/governmentcitizenandright Discrimination - what are your rights? Accessed 18 Mar 12