The First Aid at Work course is attended by an assortment of staff, which can be of varying ages and academic backgrounds. Some delegates may be working in a clinical role, such as nursing or radiography and others can be from a non-clinical role ranging from administrators to managers. Initial assessment does not take place prior to this course commencing, however staff who are nominated should feel they have the confidence and ability to administer first aid provision after gaining this qualification. The duration of this course is four full consecutive days and a formal assessment takes place on the fourth day of the programme. All delegates who successfully pass this course then gain an accredited certificate that is valid for three years. This assessment is completed by an external qualified assessor, as it is unethical for the First Aid teacher to assess their own delegates.
The First Aid at Work course combines theoretical and practical skills; therefore it requires a seminar room large enough to accommodate all practical demonstrations. A maximum of twelve delegates are formally allowed on each course delivered. This is to ensure the teacher can fully support each delegate throughout the programme.
A range of resources are required for a First Aid course, which includes resuscitation manikins, an automated external defibrillator (AED)a first aid box, several bandages and slings, asthma inhalers, epi-pens, flipchart stands, paper, marker pens,