According to Freire, the chief purpose of education is to humanize individuals through conscious action for transforming the world in which they live. In that sense education is always a political act and as a cultural tool that liberates students from oppression of the banking system of education. Education for Friere is a relationship between participants …show more content…
Learning begins with action and is a process where knowledge is presented to learner, then shaped through understanding, discussion and reflection. Education is a critical understanding of reality. Reading the word cannot be separated from reading the world. Education should raise the awareness of the students so that they become subjects, rather than objects, of the world. The method of education must starts from the life situation and reality of people. Their life situation is made in to a problem posing situation. Educational practice is not an extension but a communication. Communication involves mutual dialogue whereas extension involves transplanting knowledge. The central premise of Freire is that no education is neutral when it can be used for domination or liberation. His pedagogy calls for collective action and continuing struggle on the part of the oppressed to liberate themselves from all forms of …show more content…
Freire viewed that education is a dialogue characterized by a communion between participants and he criticised the unilateral action of one individual agent for the benefit of the other. He argued that in the traditional system of education lacks the dialogue and the unilateral action forms the basis of the whole educational process.
One of the attracting peculiarities of his pedagogy is the deep love for poor and oppressed people. Educators within the dominant culture and class fractions often characterize the oppressed as marginal, pathological, and helpless. In the banking model, knowledge is taken to be a gift that is bestowed upon the student by the teacher.
So good teaching should create the pedagogical conditions to ensure genuine dialogue and teachers should not impose their political and ethical ideas on students.As McLaren views, Paulo Freire’s theory appreciated the relationship among education. So we can say that Freire's theory of education is a student cantered approach. Students cannot learn what they do not communicate in a language that is an unfamiliar to them. Banking system of education is a process of mere transferring knowledge. But the problem posing method considers education as an act of cognition taking place through